This information was written by a Police Officer from the “Ask-a Cop” website.
There are many, many myths and misconceptions floating around out there about RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging) and LASER (LIDAR or LIght Detection And Ranging) units and how they operate. Continue reading “Ask an Officer About Radar” →
U.S. Department of Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(Background Discussion)
Issue: The use of police traffic radar has become widespread throughout the United States and, until recently, was widely accepted by the courts and the general public as a reliable and accurate means of measuring vehicle speeds. However, recent technological advances, especially the development of “moving radar,” have altered the basic concepts initially accepted by the courts. Continue reading “Background of Police Radar by NHTSA” →
Calibration, by definition, requires adjusting a radar unit to meet a manufacturer’s set of specifications on frequency and power of the microwave and setting levels in the amplifier and display circuitry. Continue reading “Are Your Radar Units Truly Certified?” →
These are common errors encountered in operating Police radar. The Texas Department of Public Safety produced a comprehensive manual based on the Federal tests. It cautions operators, “…the radar does not generate ‘false’ readings. Continue reading “Common Errors Encountered in Operating Police Radar” →
As Approved by the IEEE United States Activities Board
May 1992
We recognize public concern about the safety of exposure to electromagnetic fields. Recent allegations in the media link cancer with exposure to police radars, one of the lowest power microwave systems in our modern society — typically between 10 and 100 milliwatts. Continue reading “Cancer and Radar” →
The trained radar operator has to view the operation of his unit in the context of the total environment. Continue reading “Ghost Readings and Elimination of Radar Effect” →
Part 90 Radar Licensing instructions
This is a good article about radar jammers that we found on the web.
We test the latest in radar and laser countermeasures. Continue reading “Radar Jammers” →
The following is an explanation of Police Radar. It explains Police radar and it’s operation and theory – from the h2g2 web site run by the BBC. Continue reading “Theory & Operation of Police Radar” →