Stalker Sport Handheld Radar Gun


The real draw of the Stalker Sport is it’s performance. The Sport is able to measure the speed of objects with true accuracy to 1/10th MPH, across a wide speed range, even when the objects are very far away. It can see cars well over a mile away, personal watercraft in excess of a quarter mile, and it can track pitches from most center field bleachers.

All the Major League teams we have talked to want this version of the Stalker Sport…some subsequent versions have not measured up with range or performance.


All the Major League teams we have talked to want this version of the Stalker Sport…some subsequent versions have not measured up with range or performance.  We have this with the same warranty and accessories for only $695…we have only about 8 left.


Click here for operators manual:   Stalker sport_manual


Incredible Performance

The real draw of the Stalker Sport is it’s performance. The Sport is able to measure the speed of objects with true accuracy to 1/10th MPH, across a wide speed range, even when the objects are very far away. It can see cars well over a mile away, personal watercraft in excess of a quarter mile, and it can track pitches from most center field bleachers.

Show Both Current and Peak Speeds

Stalker SPORT Hand-held Sports Radar with DSP technology.  Mint condition and Refurbished to original factory specs and range with 1 year warranty.

Dominating Professional Sports
The Stalker SPORT is the first choice of professional sports teams around the world. In fact, it’s used by about 95 percent of the US major league baseball teams, and for most broadcasted baseball games and tennis tournaments

Accurate to 1/10th MPH
The 4 digit, liquid crystal display (LCD) shows the speed to 1/10th MPH (or KPH). The display “icons” confirm various settings and operational status. The LCD provides high contrast daytime readability, while the backlighting provides excellent night viewing.

Reads Baseball Release And Plate Speeds
When tracking pitches, a peak speed setting will show the “out of the hand” reading. This is the most consistent and common place to measure the speed. If you want to see what the speed was as it crossed the plate, just turn off the peak hold. After the pitch, you can “toggle” back and forth between peak and plate speeds to view both.

Automatic Top Speed Lock
The Peak Hold feature allows the gun to automatically hold or recall the peak speed. It keeps both the continuously tracked speeds, and the peak speed in memory. Even after a tracking, you can refer back to see the peak speed or the last speed.


  • Peak Display
  • Backlit LCD Display
  • Memory Speed Recall
  • Adjustable Auto Clear
  • Switchable MPH, KPH, and Knots Units
  • Advanced Application and Speed Range Menu
  • Adjustable Sensitivity
  • Internal Self Test
  • Keypad Operation
  • Transmit by Trigger or Keypad
  • Rugged Polycarbonate Body
  • 1 Year Parts & Labor Warranty


  • Accuracy:  +/- 0.1 MPH
  • Speed Range:  1-300 MPH, 1-480 KPH
  • Target Acquisition Time:  0.01 Sec.

Max. Range:

  • Cars  6000 Feet Plus
  • Snowmobiles  2200 Feet
  • Watercraft  1300 Feet
  • Baseballs  400-450 Feet


  • Weight: 3.0 Pounds
  • Size: 3.5″W x 10.25″L x 9.25″H

Recommended for Pro Baseball Scouts

Professional baseball scouts often need to sit more than 200 feet away from the pitcher. Thanks to having three times the power of any competing radar gun, the Stalker SPORT is able to consistently measure the ball speed at the moment the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand, up to 350 feet away! No other radar gun on the market can actually achieve that level of performance — regardless of their claims.

With Stalker battery handle (battery has new cells), Desk Charger for battery handle,  deluxe hard shell carry case, tuning fork, operators manual and 1 year warranty.

Additional information


Ka Band

Unit of Speed



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