Stalker II (2) – Moving/Stationary radar gun


Moving/Stationary Ka band Stalker 2 handheld Directional Radar refurbished with Fastest, same and opposite moving. Comes with hard shell foam lined carry case, dash bracket, battery handle, charging and power cord, remote control, certification, operators manual, tuning forks, and 1 year warranty.


STALKER II MDR DIRECTION SENSING  POLICE RADAR  refurbished with fastest vehicle, same and opposite direction moving mode

Can distinguish what is Coming or Going
The Stalker II features moving direction sensing technology. This breakthrough technology allows it to know if targets are approaching or going away from the radar – in both stationary and moving modes.

Automatic Same Lane Operation
The operator does not need to manually tell the Stalker II if same lane traffic is going faster or slower than the patrol vehicle. This makes same lane operation as simple and accurate as conventional moving mode operation.

A Giant Leap in the Effectiveness of Stationary Operation
The Direction Sensing ability of the Stalker 2 allows the operator to select a specific direction of traffic to monitor. The stalker 2 can measure closing targets while automatically ignoring vehicles that are going away – even if a target moving away is closer than a distant closing target.   Click here for Stalker_II_brochure

Moving/Stationary Stalker II  KA  Direction Sensing Radar with DSP technology for displaying FASTEST and strongest vehicle simultaneously. With same and opposite direction moving modes, remote,  dash  bracket, battery handle, charging and power cord, certification, operators manual, tuning forks, refurbished with 1 year warranty.


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