Stalker Dual, DSR, and DSR 2X VSS Installation Kit USES OBD PORT


Allows Stalker radar to sense vehicle speed to eliminate false patrol speeds.

SKU: VSS Installation Kit-1 Categories: , ,


Two Options Available:

For 2019 and earlier vehicles, select OBD VSS cable.

CAN/VSS/POWER Adapter Cable 155-2283-70. Plugs into vehicle CAN connector under dash… for Stalker 2X, DSR, DUAL and PATROL.  Fits 2019 and earlier models of vehicles.

For 2020 and newer vehicles, select direct wire-in VSS cable

We have been informed by factory that 2020 and newer vehicles may not work with  OBD style VSS cables, because the speed data may not appear at OBD port.  In this case select the direct wire in VSS cable.




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